Wednesday, May 23, 2007

RE: Plywood over light gage shear wall

According to COLA Report, screws were “No. 8 x 1” Quadrex tapping (bugle head) screws).  ICBO ES-5202 covered the screws at the time.  I did not see dimensions in the report, but there is a photo (black and white) that shows a screw next to a tape measure.  Head diameter appears to be between ¼ - 5/16”, but this is a rough estimate based on a distorted black and white photo printed from a laser printer…




Thomas D. Skaggs, Ph.D., P.E.
Manager, Product Evaluation

Technical Services Division
APA - The Engineered Wood Association
7011 S. 19th Street
Tacoma, WA 98466
ph: 253/565-6600
fx: 253/620-7235




From: Robert Kazanjy []
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:19
Subject: Re: Plywood over light gage shear wall



That's a pretty small head diameter for a self driller / tapper for use in plywood

A number of years ago we did plywood shear wall (CoLA Shear Test Program) over steel studs & I recall that the screw heads were more like 3/8" or even larger.  

I don't have the data readily available due to a crash   .........  archived  somewhere

Maybe the specs have been changed but it seems to me that a bigger head (3/8 or 7/16) would be better than .292" .  A head dia of .292 seems  pretty skimpy.

The screws were #8's or 10's


On 5/22/07, Jim Bessley < > wrote:

I am trying to design a shearwall using the 2003 IBC for plywood sheathing over light gage metal studs.  the code says that the screws should be self drilling and tapping screws with a .292" head diameter.  I can't find the screw size that correlates to this head diameter.  Can anybody out there help me.

Jim Bessley