According to CRSI, Evaluation of Reinforcing Bars in Old Reinforced Concrete Structures (Engineering Data Report Number 48), ASTM A15 rebar was in use from 1911 until 1966. It came in three grades: Grade 33, Grade 40, and Grade 50 which represented their Minimum Yield Stress. I believe ASTM A305 had to do with the deformations and not the strength properties.
Thomas Hunt, S.E.
From: Larry Hauer <>
To: "Struct. Eng. Assoc." <>
Date: 06/10/2011 10:17 AM
Subject: Old Reinforcing Steel Grade
To All,
I am working on a job that involves an existing masonry building with the plans dated 1968. The reinf. steel spec. calls for reinforcing steel to "conform to ASTM A15 and A305-56T".
Should I assume this is Fy=40 ksi steel or can I assume a higher Fy?
Thanks in advance,
Larry Hauer S.E.
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