Sunday, July 22, 2007

RE: Design preference for non-bearing wall connectors

Go to any construction site where nothing is shown for attachment to hot
rolled steel. You will generally find that the contractors prefer to use
power actuated fasteners. If both solutions are structurally sound, it
comes down to economics. I would show both solutions and let the contractor

If I were the contractor, I would prefer a power actuated fastener such as
those contained in the ESR 1663. He will use the appropriate tool for

Harold Sprague

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Donald Bruckman []
>Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 8:56 AM
>Subject: Design preference for non-bearing wall connectors
>I have a non-bearing metal stud wall that is to be attached to the
>of a W24. The detail was missed by the SE on the permit set and so I
>sketched up a detail of a slip track with shot pins into the bottom
>to connect the track. The SE revised the detail to self drilling
>claiming it was a "better" connection. (I'm not quite sure which
>became "better"), but...nevertheless, it begs this question:
>Is there any consensus here about whether either version is a "better"
>"worse" version of this detail? Does the shot pin mess with the flange
>integrity in any way that could be considered more deleterious than an
>screw? (The exact detail was 6" metal stud x 18' high, GWB both sides.
>guessed 145 shots @ 16"oc, his came back #10 SD screws at 8"oc.).


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