Monday, July 16, 2007

RE: Distribution Width for Concentrated Load on Concrete Wall

Thanks, Mark.


T. William (Bill) Allen, S.E.


Consulting Structural Engineers
V (949) 248-8588 F(949) 209-2509

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Deardorff []
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 9:31 AM
Subject: RE: Distribution Width for Concentrated Load on Concrete Wall


The code used to say, I am not sure if it still does, but for walls a concentrated load is spread over B+4T where B is the bearing width and T is the wall thickness. The recent tilt-up design methodology allows the load to be spread out further on a 2/1 spread on each side of the load.


Mark E. Deardorff, SE
R & S Tavares Associates, Inc
9815 Carroll Canyon Road
Suite 206
San Diego, CA 92131
Phone: 858-444-3344
Phone: 209-863-8928
Cell: 209-765-5592


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From: Bill Allen []
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 9:21 AM
Subject: Distribution Width for Concentrated Load on Concrete Wall


I’m designing a C.I.P. concrete cantilevered retaining wall. I’m trying to find the distribution width for a concentrated load at the top of the wall. So far, I’m unsuccessful. In masonry, it’s called a “flush wall pilaster” and there is clear direction if the wall is masonry.


Is concrete the same as masonry in this regard?


T. William (Bill) Allen, S.E.


Consulting Structural Engineers
V (949) 248-8588 F(949) 209-2509