Monday, July 16, 2007

RE: Distribution Width for Concentrated Load on Concrete Wall

If you don't want to design an integral pier/column (i.e. do ties integral with wall vertical bars), then you can use a 2:1 spreading (2 vertical to 1 horizontal) to be conservative.  If you want some "basis" of this, then you might look in the strut and tie methodology in the most current ACI 318.  In essence, you would be using a strut and tie methodology but the continuity of the wall would less the need for the "tie" steel as it would provide some compression resistance.  You would still need to check the bearing capacity, of course.
Adrian, MI
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Allen []
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 12:21 PM
Subject: Distribution Width for Concentrated Load on Concrete Wall

I’m designing a C.I.P. concrete cantilevered retaining wall. I’m trying to find the distribution width for a concentrated load at the top of the wall. So far, I’m unsuccessful. In masonry, it’s called a “flush wall pilaster” and there is clear direction if the wall is masonry.


Is concrete the same as masonry in this regard?


T. William (Bill) Allen, S.E.


Consulting Structural Engineers
V (949) 248-8588 F(949) 209-2509