To: <>
Subject: RE: Masonry lap length
>>2" cover would be about the bare minimum allowable cover...considering
>typical 1 1/4" face shell thickness and a minimum of 1/4" clear for
>fine grout and 1/2" for coarse grout.
>Adrian, MI
Using anything more than 2" of cover means you might as well leave the
bar in the center for anything less than a 12" CMU.
However, that brings up a good point. If you do put 2 bars in one cell,
K is also dependent on the clear spacing between bars. If you were to
use #6 bars with 2 1/2" cover in an 8" CMU, K would be 1.125" due to
spacing. At 2" cover, K is 2" due to the cover. Put one bar in the
middle and K is 3.4375".
Adam Vakiener, P.E.
Structural Engineer
Southern A&E, LLC
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