Monday, July 23, 2007

Re: Redundancy R-factor and new math

The APA Testing Safety Factors have no specific correlation to code provisions that I am aware of, more of a generally accepted practice IIRC. Others can better explain that, but I believe it is to account for deviations in material properies, installation quality, and other difficult to predict situations that occur in field rather than in a lab.

As Harold stated, the R factor is based on a structural system's energy dissipation characteristics or non-linear behavior.


On 7/23/07, Pinyon Engineering <> wrote:
It is the structural system factor or Global System and Overstrength factor
R that I am Refering to not rho
The 2.8 to 3.5 is the safety factors applied to the ultimate strenghts found
from the APA testing not the omega --
Tim Rudolph

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