Mark Gilligan wrote:
> It is not your responsibility to retrofit the existing
> building. This is a decision that needs to be made by
> the Owner.
> All you can do is notify the Owner of the issue and
> make your recommendations. You have an obligation to
> give him all of the facts and not just those that are
> consistent with your recommendations. If he decides
> to do nothing and you are not breaking a law or
> dealing with a situation that is clearly unsafe then
> it is his call. You could resign as engineer of
> record but if the issue is not black and white you
> might find yourself being sued.
> If the problem is an eminent hazard or there is some
> violation of the law, then consult with your attorney
> and notify the building official.
> As professionals the only thing we are responsible for
> is our recommendations and our instruments of service.
> We do not have the authority to do anything else.
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