Wednesday, July 18, 2007

RE: sheet numbering conventions

I asked this question several years ago and the results were that there really is no standard.  Most offices make up their own numbering system. 





From: Christopher Banbury []
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 4:43 PM
Subject: sheet numbering conventions


I believe we had this discussion last year but I can’t find anything in the archives.

I am trying to establish some convention for naming and numbering structural sheets.

I would appreciate directions to some helpful resources.


I’m also updating my spec numbering to MasterSpec 04. I’m wondering if MasterSpec has a sheet and detail numbering standard.




Christopher Banbury, PE



Ark Engineering, Inc.

PO Box 10129, Brooksville, FL 34603

22 North Broad ST, Brooksville, FL 34601

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