Thursday, July 19, 2007

RE: Steel drag strut to masonry connection

If the beam will bear on the wall, you can provide a bearing plate that is long enough to provide weld studs to resist your drag force in shear.  If you provide a beam seat, add some A706 reinforcing dowels welded to the back of a plate that has a shear tab.  Dowels are developed into the masonry (2- #5 bars seem to work here), shear tab welded to end plate, and bolts (slip critical) for the beam connection.  In theory, the embed bolts would see an equal amount of shear force.  Good luck.


David A. Topete, SE


From: Jeff Hedman []
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:20 AM
Subject: Steel drag strut to masonry connection


I have a wide flange steel drag strut (not sized yet) that I need to connect to an 8” masonry wall.  Drag force is 23,000 lbs (Em level).  I was wondering if anyone has a standard method for making a connection of this magnitude.  I could design the horizontal reinforcing to wrap around the embedded studs on the bottom of the bearing plate to achieve my tension resistance and make sure that the studs are welded to the plate adequately.  I could also run my beam along the wall until I get enough embedded studs on my bearing plate to resist the load, but I am not sure how the loading distribution would work on the studs as they get farther from the end of the wall.  Anyone have any better ideas, or reasons why these two items may not work too well.


Jeff Hedman , E.I.T.

L.R. Pope Engineers & Surveyors, Inc.

1240 East 100 South Suite # 15B

St. George, Utah  84790

Office: 435-628-1676

Fax: 435-628-1788