I am looking for some guidance and especially legal precedent for the responsibility and/or liability that an engineer may face when doing renovations and additions to existing structures.
In particular I am wondering how an engineer decides to what extent to require structural retrofitting of existing elements and systems that may be exposed during renovation under the following conditions:
- the proposed renovations have little or no structural effect on the existing structural system.
- the structural element/system in question has been exposed during renovation (eg. Removal of ceiling and wallboard).
- the existing structure meets the code it was built under and is may not be considered immanently dangerous.
- the existing structure clearly does not meet current code (eg. Trusses toe-nailed to top plate in high wind area).
- the code exempts the existing structure from compliance with the current structural code because renovations are under a certain threshold.
- minor structural modifications could greatly increase the safety of the building even if it doesn’t meet current code.
Thanks in advance.
Christopher Banbury, PE
Ark Engineering, Inc.
Phone: (352) 754-2424
Fax: (352) 754-2412