This is a real "off the cuff" answer since I'm currently short on time to check the code. A car battery weighs, what, 40 pounds. Plan stacking area of a battery is about 1 sq. ft. If the battery shelf can hold more than 3 batteries high, that's 120 psf right there. I vote for the 250 psf.
Bob Garner, S.E.
From: Jeff Hedman []
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 2:21 PM
Subject: Heavy or light storage load
I am currently designing an auto parts store that will have two mezzanines for storage. My question is this: where can I find some guidelines on what qualifies as a light storage load of 125 psf and what qualifies as a 250 psf heavy storage load. I am pretty sure they will be storing auto parts on these mezzanines so I am unsure if 125 psf light storage load will be sufficient.
Jeff Hedman