Friday, September 14, 2007

WTC Studies-Structural Aspects

Dear Paul,

On 9/13/07, Paul Feather <> wrote:
> If I am not mistaken, even our nuclear containment facilities are only
> designed for the equivalent of an engine falling off a plane, not a
> direct kamikaze attack.

Our WWER-1000 containment building is designed to resist large airliner crash.
As far as I know, the American and Canadian designs also consider such
impact loads.
The issue is that the analysis deals with accidental collision rather
that a malevolent act, which can result in worse consequences.
If needed, I can provide the list with links to research works that
deal with containment impacted by an airliner.

Alexander Bausk
CAD manager, Structural engineer at
Nuclear Engineering&Research Lab
Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

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