Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Re: California Building Code and the 2006 IBC


I am not that familiar with Los Angeles Building Code but by state law they will have to use the 2007 California Building Code which is based on the 2006 IBC.  As with all the local municipalities they were given 6 month to prepare their amendments and I was told (but have not confirmed) that they have already made available their new LA Building Code amendments.  It is not likely there will be any grace period since they would be in jeopardy of violating state law.

Thomas Hunt, S.E.

Andre Sidler <asidler@hotmail.com>
11/06/2007 02:21 PM
Please respond to seaint
California Building Code and the 2006 IBC

Fellow Listers -

I hear California is adopting the IBC in January, 2008. Does any one have an idea on what the code status is for the city of Los Angeles? Will they also be adopting in January, 2008? Will there be any grace period where you can submit under either IBC or UBC(CBC 2001)? Will they have amendments? Um, sorry, the questions should have been, "how many amendments?"

I tried calling the LA Call Center and I didn't get any help.


Andre J. Sidler, P.E., S.E.
Quantum Consulting Engineers
Seattle, WA

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