Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Re: water proof

You don't always need to water-proof a retaining wall unless some efflorescence is a problem.
use a granular backfill ~1 ft thick behind it, and a geotech material between rock and earth. Weep holes at ~10 ft.
If you want waterproof, use a stick-on membrane type. spray-on leaves pin-holes, but again, that may not be a problem. Also check out the mirafi products.



From: "DA ENGINEERING" <dnae@cox.net>
To: <seaint@seaint.org>
Date: 11/5/2007 3:54 PM
Subject: water proof


what the best way to water proof retaining wall and footing close to the beach
I designed the 12" retaining wall with 24" thick footing also acting as slab
no heel for retaining wall

water will up rise behind the wall

the contractor want to pour 6" mud slab over the water proof material
then pour the 24" footing

I did not like the idea

any one with idea let me know


Dave A.

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