Monday, November 5, 2007

WG: footings look too big



Von: alfred mueller []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 6. November 2007 08:25
Betreff: AW: footings look too big


These are the things, we are spending time for, without any payment. Only proofing, that we are doing our work well.






Von: G Vishwanath []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 6. November 2007 07:49
Betreff: Re: footings look too big


This is a common problem.


Faxes flew fast  and furious  back and forth. Both I and my colleague were summoned by our management. It took two weeks, and a visit from an academician to whom our management referred the designs for proof checking before our management politely informed the client that the design was in order. A detailed report outlining the reasons for the size of the foundation, a summary of design inputs and output and a copy of the academician's endorsement was also attached.


That report was never read by our client who was later heard remarking to another contractor that this was the last time he was going to engage a Government owned consultancy organisation for any of his projects. He believed we had the capacity to make the richest businessmen go bankrupt !


Life is not easy for us civil/structural engineers.
Almost any Tom Dick or Harry finds it easy to comment on our work and express opinions, which they are unable to do with the work of our colleagues in the Electrical, Instrumentation, Piping and Technology departments. Their work is mysterious and laymen cannot fathom their drawings and calcs. A common joke in our organsiation was that in kick off meetings with our clients at the start of the project,  several hours are spent with the client on discussing parking shed designs, locations of toilets and canteens and the color schemes but the decisions on technology, and manufacturing processes are cleared in minutes.



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