Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Repair Design for Wood Trusses at VT

Please spread the word about our Virginia Tech short course on Repair Design for New and Existing Wood Trusses, October 15-17, 2008 in Blacksburg, VA.


The primary audiences for this course are consulting design professionals, truss manufacturers, truss designers, contractors, and building design professionals.  The professional and practical repair of new metal-plate-connected wood trusses and the repair of existing truss systems are demonstrated in this course.  The presentations and discussion will be “rich” in practical solutions to a wide range of truss and truss system deficiencies encountered over several decades of design practice.  For course details and registration, visit


Course information not covered in the course brochure can be directed to me by e-mail.

Frank Woeste, P.E., Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

Virginia Tech University