Thursday, September 4, 2008

Site Built Spiral Stair Case

I have been asked to provide calculations for this type of spiral stair
twice. The first one was built (it looked great), and the inspector never
asked for engineering. The second one I asked for a fee and time line the
contractor couldn't stomach, so they built something else. So, I still
don't know how to prove the design, but I have always been curious how to do
I think given some time and research I could figure out the stresses. But,
what are the allowable shear and torsion values for the plywood beam? This
was always where I hit a dead end.
I'd be interested, Gerard, to hear how you handled this.

Dmitri Wright, PE
Cascade Engineering, Inc.
2459 SE TV Hwy, PMB #202
Hillsboro, OR 97123-7919

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