Thursday, January 8, 2009

RE: Paying for clarification



I agree with you that the designer should get it right in the first place.  Mt attitude is that I am human and can (and will) make mistakes.  To me, a good plan checker is a second set of eyes.  I would rather he catch my mistakes rather that the contractor.




From: Gil Brock []
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 2:46 PM
Subject: RE: Paying for clarification



At 04:03 AM 8/01/2009, you wrote:

 >  I don’t want the plan checker signing off my work because I am a 60-ish year old white haired engineer who he believes has the great knowledge of experience to rely upon.
I am 30-ish and am having insecure feelings that the plan checkers are starting to rely a little to much on me. I am not being arrogant, but I expected corrections on several of my recent submittals and got almost none.

Maybe I am mis-interpreting your comment but I find it worrying that you are relying on plan checkers to find your mistakes. Maybe I am old fashioned having but I always thought it was my job as a designer to get it right in the first place and make sure it leaves the office ready to be built. Not to be simply a first rough attempt at a design which I hope someone else will fix for me!

Regards  Gil Brock
Prestressed Concrete Design Consultants Pty. Ltd. (ABN 84 003 163 586)
5 Cameron Street Beenleigh Qld 4207 Australia
Ph +61 7 3807 8022               Fax +61 7 3807 8422