Thursday, March 12, 2009

RE: Point supported glass design


I have been involved in a few projects with complicated grass handrails,
stairs and full glass cladding systems and we have relied on a specialty
glass designer provided by the glass contractor for the actual glass
design typically. My firm has done several other project I have not
personally been involved with including the apple store here at the
grove in LA and the same is true, we did design the support points for
some pretty tight design criteria but the glass expert took it from
there. This link has the NY apple store profile and includes the link
to the engineer's website that did the glass. It also gives some close
ups of a variation of the custom thru-bolt/bearing washer nut assemblies
that I am familiar with for attaching glass together in pseudo
structural type applications.

This stuff is not cheap by the way.

For non complicated traditional glass hand rails there are several
manufacturers that make metal boot type connectors that have testing
data and installation that are accepted by most jurisdictions in my
area. These reports and manufacturers typically include recommended
glass thickness and height limits. These are common and not ultra high
dollar items.

Donny Harris, SE
Los Angeles, California

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Wilson []
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 2:29 PM
Subject: Point supported glass design

Are there any simplified methods for designing point-supported glass?
looking for applications such as glass handrails, stair treads, etc.
searched and found some generic glass articles online, but nothing
technical. Is this the kind of thing that requires a detailed analysis
an industry insider?

It seems like there could be some standardized analyses available for
single 1/2" or 3/4" pin through a piece of 3/4" glass.

Jim Wilson

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