Monday, June 22, 2009

Concrete Shearwall Load Combination Question

Gentlemen -


I am currently studying for the California SE-III and came across a load combination that I was unfamiliar with.  I am looking over Ben Yousefi’s review manual for a design problem for a special reinforced concrete shearwall in SDC D.


The generic load combination goes from  (1.2+0.2Sds)D+rho*Qe+0.5L  & (0.9-0.2Sds)D+rho*Qe, where Sds =1.0, rho = 1.3

                                                              to  1.4D+1.3Qe+0.5L                        &  0.7D+1.3Qe


                                                and then  1.46D+1.1Eh+0.5L                           &  0.63D+1.1Eh


Qe = rho*Qe, so really I think that the second set of equations should be 1.4D+1.3Eh+0.5L &  0.7D+1.3Eh, but I am totally baffled as to how you get from the second set of equations to the third.  I can’t find any reference that points to increasing/ reducing the dead load and increasing the seismic loads by different factors.


What am I missing?


Thanks for your help,


Brian S Bossley, P.E.

7610 Olentangy River Rd

Columbus, OH 43235

(614) 847-1110 x 121 (ph)

(614) 847-1116  (fax)