Thanks for that lead. Larry has apparently moved on to a different
venture and I was not able to find another resource yet from the RPA's
website but I am still trying.
Do you have any experience with doing design on the topping slab on your
previous products or was it always a prescriptive specification that
came from the manufacturer? What was the make up of the typical radiant
slab you have used?
Donny Harris
From: "Jim Chatterley" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: design of radiant slabs
You may contact the Radiant Panel Association:
Larry Drake
Radiant Panel Association
P O Box 717
1399 South Garfield
Loveland, CO 80539
They have been very helpful when I have design residential
structural concrete floors.
Jim L. Chatterley PE
CFS 2010 - Consultants
2723 Currier Ave. >> Simi Valley, Calif 93065
805 520 3666 >> Fax 805 583 1434
-----Original Message-----
From: Donny Harris []
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 8:32 AM
Subject: design of radiant slabs
I am looking for info regarding design of radiant slabs for heavy truck
loading and durability to support use in a maintenance bay application
for heavy truck repair/service. I am designing the supporting
structural slab on grade and treating it just like a typical slab on
grade designed for the servicabity requirements of the project. On top
of this slab in a typical installation goes 2" of rigid insulation and
then some thickness of concrete with radiant heating/cooling tubing in
it. 3" is a number that has been thrown out.
Any information for the design of these regarding thickness of concrete,
reinforcing, suggested properties of the insulation or design guides or
general experience would be appreciated. Is this in a typical scope of
work for a SEOR or are there manufacturers that provide this
Donny Harris, SE
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