Tuesday, June 23, 2009

RE: Flexure vs. Cable Action in a solid rod.

A PE seal is often required for an engineer's "report" for a specific project in a jurisdiction.  A letter addressing an opinion on a technical issue can constitute a "report".  Nevertheless, this can be a gray area, as an outside consultant may offer advice to the EOR without being registered in that state.  But in this case, a seal would likely provide added incentive for the EOR to accept the outside advice.
The author of a textbook is not addressing a specific project in a specific jurisdiction.
Bill Sherman

From: Bill Polhemus [mailto:bill@polhemus.cc]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 10:57 AM
To: <seaint@seaint.org>
Subject: Re: Flexure vs. Cable Action in a solid rod.

No you are not, no more than the author of the textbook on steel beam design is responsible for the application you make of it.

I will simply say that I would never seal such a letter, for fear of incurring liability that the board rules - the law - do not require of me. 

William L. Polhemus, Jr. P.E.
Via iPhone 3G

On Jun 23, 2009, at 11:06 AM, Richard Calvert <RichardC@lbbe.com> wrote:

Well, you are, at that point, taking shared liability on for that portion of the structure – this added buffer for the EOR is the whole point of this approach. 

From: Bill Polhemus [mailto:bill@polhemus.cc]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 11:55 AM
To: seaint@seaint.org
Subject: Re: Flexure vs. Cable Action in a solid rod.

Richard Calvert wrote:

... formally obtain a second opinion (signed and sealed)...

I'm curious about the advisability of "signing and sealing" a second opinion. What exactly are you vouching for there with your seal? What is your scope of responsibility?

I submit that sealing a letter giving your opinion on a design topic where you are not directly responsible for the design, etc., is not wise.

In that case, should engineering professors "sign and seal" their textbooks?

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