This seems to be my week to be inquisitive.
I am not familiar, yet, with the AWS D1.8. However, I believe that the AWS
D1.1 does not provide guidance with respect to testing. Your comment
suggests that there are "extra NDE" requirements in D1.8.
What type of extra NDE does it specify (e.g. when, how)? What is the base
requirement to which this is extra (e.g. code, standard)?
Paul Ransom, P.Eng.
ph 905 639-9628
fax 905 639-3866
> From:
> invoke the entire AWS D1.8 as a project requirement. Note that your steel
> fabricator may charge you a premium for complying with AWS D1.8 for the
> extra NDE and welder qualifications.
> Thomas Hunt, S.E.
> Fluor
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