It is rather hard to summarize in an e-mail 100 pages of an AWS Specification but below are a few of the items to consider. Many engineers are surprised to find out that there are NO minimum amounts of NDE required by AWS D1.1 (other than visual inspection by the welder). As the Engineer you need to specify all NDE requirements. AISC Prequalified Connnections show many of these NDE requirements. AWS D1.1 only tells you how to do the test and what is the acceptance criteria but does not state how much, when, or where. AWS D1.8 has some of the following special requirements which many have been copied in whole or part into the current AISC Seismic Provisions.
- Additional welder qualifications for restricted areas
- Engineer to specify connection configuration, all members part of the SLRS, location of protection zone, demand critical welds, location of access holes, lowest anticipated service temperatures, development of a Quality Assurance Plan, etc.
- Extended exposure restrictions for FCAW filler metals.
- Continuity plate corner clipping
- Additional items required to be listed in the WPS
- Additional air velocity restrictions
- Maximum interpass temperature requirements
- Additional requirements for weld tabs, end dams, and removal of backing bars
- Bottom flange welding sequence
- Additional QA welding inspector qualifications
- MT testing in the K-area, weld access holes, repairs in weld access holes, and repair of tab removal
- Additional UT testing procedures and acceptance criteria
- Testing procedures for WPS heat input envelope of filler metals, intermix CVN testing of filler metals, supplemental testing for extended exposure limits for FCAW filler metals, supplemental ultrasonic technician testing, supplemental magnetic particle testing procedures, flaw sizing by ultrasonic testing.
Thomas Hunt, S.E.
Paul Ransom <> 06/16/2009 05:09 AM Please respond to seaint |
This seems to be my week to be inquisitive.
I am not familiar, yet, with the AWS D1.8. However, I believe that the AWS
D1.1 does not provide guidance with respect to testing. Your comment
suggests that there are "extra NDE" requirements in D1.8.
What type of extra NDE does it specify (e.g. when, how)? What is the base
requirement to which this is extra (e.g. code, standard)?
Paul Ransom, P.Eng.
ph 905 639-9628
fax 905 639-3866
> From:
> invoke the entire AWS D1.8 as a project requirement. Note that your steel
> fabricator may charge you a premium for complying with AWS D1.8 for the
> extra NDE and welder qualifications.
> Thomas Hunt, S.E.
> Fluor
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