Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Re: ICC Green Building Code

The building code already addresses Green and LEED related items, it's
just not as overt as they are making it sound. We already have thermal
envelope provisions and minimum standards which serve no real purpose
but to save energy. Look at deflection limits - they're there for
occupant comfort and well-being, but we've all been in older buildings
where deflection was clearly not a design criteria and it's hard to
quantify how the slopes are damaging the psyches of the occupants. Air
recirculation is mostly for well being of the occupants as well, since
the actual safety is at a level of ventilation far below (just as with
deflection). This likely expands the scope to push for higher
efficiency, better daylighting - otherwise we'll just get more
buildings from the 70s - and the like. I don't expect bike racks and
mandatory showers to be added, at least not any time soon.

FWIW - I think you're looking for the term "greenwashing." ICC is a
commercial entity - they're here to make money, and there's money in
Green, as the LEED folks have shown us in spades.


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