Thursday, August 13, 2009

Re: 16d Common Nail Lateral Design Value


From: Bill Allen <>
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 7:38:24 PM
Subject: RE: 16d Common Nail Lateral Design Value

but I would like to say that I don't attack anybody because of differing opinion.


Yeah, right.    Very elegant and professional for someone pretending to be one!


My comments were directed to one certain individual who, for at least the past ten years, has been making lame comments and injecting politics and his personal views to serious engineering inquiries, sometimes even making fun at the person posting the question.

You yourself had several encounters with him on his inappropriate posts in the past.


No, I don't appreciate his non-engineering blather any more than anyone else, but your comments were particularly offensive and very personal.     He was offensive and personal, too. Were you asleep or something?


Just recently, you made a similar attack on Christopher Wright and called him an a**hole on this list. I don't see his contribution any more. Is it coinsidence? I don't know. So, you had your share of insulting a fellow engineer on the list who, unlike Bill, has never made a negative comment about anybody.


Yep, and I meant it. The difference is that you don't see that very often and Christopher's comment wasn't political. It was a particularly offensive to a new member of the list on an ENGINEERING ISSUE.  Even worse, Hypocrite!


So you're saying I can call you an "ASSHOLE" for insulting my engineering knowledge?



Like Chuck said, I had a better opinion of you.


Oh, now I'm going to lose sleep tonight.  You really are one.


T. William (Bill) Allen, S.E.


Consulting Structural Engineers
OC V (949) 248-8588 F(949) 209-2509
SD V (858) 792-3488
F(858) 792-3501


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