Friday, September 4, 2009

Re: bar spacing

It took to the bottom to get to the really important stuff.  It's Friday, beer day.

Andrew Kester wrote:



Maybe one area we are making a resurgence in is beer. For far too long they let us eat cake- Budweiser, Michelob, Coors, is there any difference in their watered-down lagerish taste? Hardly. Now, in part to Sam Adams leading the charge, there are thousands of micro brews creating a fascinating and delicious array of complex tasting beers right here in the US. You SHOULD pay a couple bucks more for a good six pack, it is worth it, life is too short to drink crappy cheap beer. (I will say on a hot summer day while doing yard work in Florida I do drink cheap light beer, guilty. Guess that makes me a flip flopper.)


Sorry, bit off topic.


Andrew Kester, PE

Orlando, FL