Thursday, September 10, 2009

RE: Ghosh diaphragm flow chart


I observed a lot of confusion among instructors when studying this during
graduate school. It's nice to know SK has taken the time to document the
classification procedure.

Keith Erick Fix | 95 Bothwell Street | Glasgow, G2 7HX, UK | office +44 (141)
243 4301 | mobile +44 (774) 686 4232 |
-----Original Message-----
From: David Merrick, Structural Engineer, Merrick Group
Sent: 09 September 2009 19:10
Subject: Ghosh diaphragm flow chart

Does anyone have comments on the published "Structural Hot Topics" by SK
Ghosh Assoc.?

item #5 is of most interest. I am ordering the document.

Structural Hot Topics (Seminar Workbook)
#5: Diaphragm: Rigid or Flexible? - A flow chart is presented and
explained so that, given any diaphragm situation, its flexible,
semi-rigid, or rigid classification according to the provisions of ASCE
7-05 can be determined conclusively and quickly.

David Merrick, SE

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