Friday, November 20, 2009

RE: Steel roof deck attached using screws

I don't know about ICC approval but United Steel Deck catalog discusses
screws along with welds. I would think screws would be acceptable if PAF's
are. The screws have a large head than many of PAF's. The PAF's sometimes
bounce rather than penetrate according to one craftsman (operator issue.)
Hilti and the Steel Stud Manufacturers have values for screws and welds for
light gage metal thicknesses to "heavy gage" steel.

Glenn C. Otto, P.E.
A Structural Engineer, P.C.
Virginia Beach, VA 23454

-----Original Message-----
From: Drew Morris []
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 6:09 PM
Subject: Steel roof deck attached using screws

Does anyone know of a steel roof deck manufacturer (1 1/2" 18 ga) that
has ICC approval for steel deck fastened to W beams using screws? I can
find reports of decks attached with spot welds and powder actuated

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