Friday, November 20, 2009

when the levees break....

If we only listened to Led Zeppelin about 40 years ago, we would have known it was inevitable.

So the Army Corps should subrogate against France. It is the French who chose to settle New Orleans in the first place.

Is this one of those, pardon me for using it, "slippery slopes"? Will there not be a legal precendent now where the Corps may be held responsible for any of their other failed attempts at controlling nature? How about the entire Mississippi River and all of its tributaries? How about the senseless pumping of sand to "restore beaches" that often last only until the next tropical storm or northeaster, and in turn screw up nature's cycle and can destroy productive fish habitat not mention ruin great surfing waves (and in my opinion, we taxpayers are paying to insure beachfront property)? Since we all pay for the Army Corps, this scares me a bit...

I am not arguing against responsibility, but I have to think it was less engineer's making miscalculations and more about backhanded politics.

Andrew Kester, PE

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