Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Re: UBC-97 and Piperacks


Actually you have a choice.  You can consider the piperack's lateral force resisting systems to be similar to a buildings (UBC 1634.2) and use an R of 4.5 for your transverse ordinary moment frame and an R of either 5.6 or 6.4 whether you choose ordinary or special braced frames longitudinally.  If you go this route you also have to comply with all the other building related requirements including issues with special seismic detailing, irregularities, etc.  OR you can consider your structure as purely non-building like and use an R of 2.9 where you may not necessarily need to comply with all the other requirements.

Thomas Hunt, S.E.

Rand W Holtham <>
07/18/2007 06:40 AM
Please respond to seaint
UBC-97 and Piperacks

Just reading the UBC 97 I am inclined to use an R = 2.9 for non building
structures, however reading into the blue book it seems I should use the
values in table 16-N (R=4.5 for OMRF of steel). Is this correct?



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