Thursday, September 4, 2008

Re: Calgary, Alberta

         As a semi-retired individual I am not interested in seeking out more work at the present time; but I do know two others that you can contact.  Both are well qualified and I'm sure you would be satisfied with either.
        Curtis Feeg, like myself, is a sole practitioner with many years of experience in a broad range of structural projects.
        Wayne Kassian is a principal in a larger firm, Kassian Dyck Associates who have a website at I have not been in close contact with this company for a while; but I believe they have four or five capable engineers (or more) plus support staff.
        There are, of course many others; but these are the two at the top of my list.  Good luck with your projects.
H. Daryl Richardson
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 11:47 AM
Subject: Calgary, Alberta

I need a professional engineer in Calgary.
Small contract, but great contact.
The client is Citadel / Lerch Bates, the premier window washing and equipment consultant in the world. I believe they have 6 of the worlds top ten tallest buildings as systems they designed and implemented, including that new monster tower in Dubai.
Anyone available? 
Paul Feather PE, SE