In further response to your query--
As I stated in my private e-mail to you, the references used for my book and website are temporarily in storage, so I went to the source: The builder in Brisbane with whom I have corresponded for 6 or 7 years . He just sent this in an e-mail:
"AS 1684 Section 8 Racking and shear forces (Bracing), table 8 contains references to increasing the value of the bracing material by using threaded rod. Section 9, Fixing and tie down design of AS 1684 contains the information and references` to threaded rod. BCA Volume 2 , Class 1 and Class 10 Buildings, Housing Provisions, Part 3.4.3 Timber Framing, just states that AS 1684 is an acceptable construction manual and that a timber frame designed and constructed in accordance with AS 1684 would satisfy the performance requirements of the BCA.We use threaded rod for tie down and increasing the value of bracing panels (shear walls) at the same time."
When I established my website I was only aiming it at a US audience, and was not as diligent with references to the Building Code of Australia as I perhaps should have been. Something to update in all my spare time after I figure out the IBC--learn the Australian Building Code! ;-) My apologies for not providing more complete information for all you in OZ!
Thor Matteson, SE