Saturday, June 13, 2009

Re: Specifications - Welding in Seismic Zone

AISC 341-05 (AISC Seismic) incorporated the critical portions of D1.8 in the body.  They were able to meet the deadline and had a copy of a draft of AISC 341.  So from a practical point of view if you are in seismic region where AISC 341 applies you should make sure that you read AISC 341 to see what is required.

AISC 341-05 is availible as a free douwnload.

From a good practice point of view I recommend requiring compliance with AWS D1.8 although that requires access to the document in order to understand what is required.  It can be risky to reference a standard when you do not have access to it because you may not know what the options are or what information you need to put on the drawings.  Using this logic you should also have access to AWS D1.1.

AISC 341-10, which is currently availible in draft form, removes the provisions that are covered in AWS D1.8 and looks to D1.8 to address the welding issues.

Mark Gilligan

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